Packing and moving in isn’t the last step in transitioning to college, there are more steps ahead…
What should parents know to help foster student success on campus?
Help them move in, but don’t linger too long. (They have many new student tasks to do and friends to make!)
Wish them well and know that they may have a few stumbles along the way. That’s normal; they have a lot to figure out - picking up textbooks, where their classes are, and which dining halls are open when they are available. Show support, but let them handle those tasks, and encourage them to find the resources on their campus!
Remind them to check their college email daily; they may have to set up notifications and develop new habits but this email is the main way their college will communicate vital information with them.
Encourage them to get to know their RA and other college staff who can be a resource to them. Colleges have great resources - from residence life staff to tutoring services to health services, but many students don’t use these gems.
Once classes begin, they should read each syllabus and preview what’s ahead. Guidance shows that they can start off right by preparing a schedule that allows for two hours of studying/work time for every one hour in class; treating a full-time college schedule like a full-time job.
They only have the first week or so to add/drop classes without penalties - so they should get on it right away.
There will be a student activities fair and the goal is for them to get involved, but not OVER involved.
Also, be sure to make a family plan for communication that works with both of your expectations - will you have a weekend touch base or how often do you plan to text each other?
Finally, once you are back home, get started on preparing the first care package to arrive within a few weeks. Students often find it really nice to have some support from home and know their family is backing them and rooting for their success.
Confident College Planning assists students and families with all of the steps in college application, selection, and transition. We believe that each student’s success is influenced a great deal by the energy and efforts they put into their college experience, no matter which college or university they choose to attend. Contact me at to see how I can help support your family in the college planning process. I’d be happy to assist!
